Witness of Salvation’s Grace is the tongue that seeks to honor God, for it allows nothing born of wayward or foul language to lead others astray.

Observe how others may perceive our verbal testimony, for our words can do greater harm than our actions, simply by what we say to others

Rightous is the man, who bridles his tongue, in spite of it’s apparent softness and rounded edges, it is infinitely sharper than a new knife.

The proof of the value of one’s spiritual declaration is quite often revealed thy the tongue, worthless is the religion heralded by a foul tongue.

Hearing the words that spew forth from an unbridled mouth, insure that it is not yours that engages in unseemly gymnastics, for which you will have to answer.

Love allows for forgiveness and grace even unto the bridling of the tongue, but the unbridled tongue allows no forgiveness and creates an assuredly worthless religion.

Each word spoken in haste or hate is a destroyer of good will, and a stumbling block on the road to salvation, for it wounds deeper than a knife.

Say what you will, but be mindful of the fact, that hidden wounds oft fester and most assuredly bring forth, in time, a harvest of bitter fruit.

Speak not ill of another, for the ill spoken word is the carrier of a horribly persistent disease that eventually harms both the intended target and the speaker 


Religion cannot save the individual, it is merely a suite of actions and sayings that a parrot can repeat, like an unbridled tongue, it adds no value to life.

Even when a man follows all number of holy religious acts, rules and rituals, like an unbridled tongue, his religion proves worthless.

Listen, curb your tongue, do not speak if thou hast not given complete thought to what thou art about to say, be not verbally  harmful to another,

Ih all things, be of good cheer, for if thou would glorify God, then acknowledging His sovereignty, be mindful of His will and curb thy tongue.

Glory be to the Father, Son and Holy Spirit, for through Them comes the gift of salvation, redemption’s grace and the successful brideling of the tongue.

In all things be thou cognizant of this;  

the pen may be mightier than the sharpest sword, but the unbridled tongue causeth greater destruction.

Open your heart, let not your tongue rule the day, for the tongue is a mindless thing, costing many their place in God’s heavenly choir.

Note; worthless is the religion of those who would worship with an unbridled tongue, for an unbridled tongue gives lie to everything it professes.