Deserving of nothing because of my iniquities, I nonetheless turn to Thee and ask that Thou draw me closer to Thee oh Lord my Creator, for without Thy Grace and Command of my life I am but a rudderless ship in a storm tossed sea.
Redeemed by the loving sacrifice endured for my sake by Thy Son Yeshua, I am made whole by the Cleansing Blood of Thy Son and I thank Thee for the privilege afforded me by Him to call Thee my Heavenly Father, oh God of life.
Awaken in me the desire to come closer to Thee each morning I wake up, for Thou art the Lord God of creation, Thou art the Redeemer’s Heavenly Father not created by man but the Creator of all that exists and beyond our understanding.
We are but finite beings, oh Lord, and thus without Thy direct intervention our understanding of all things are both limited and fleeting, knowing this is our finite state, who are we to create a limited god in place of Thy true existence.
Make me an instrument of Thy Divine Will, oh God, that my finite understanding may increase, may Thy redemptive grace with the Blood of Jesus fill my heart, mind and soul so that all my actions are guided by Thy Divine Omnipotent Will.
Elohim, Thou art the Fount of Life, Thy Son the Wellspring of Redemptive Grace and Thy Holy Spirit the Comforter of the grieving soul, grant us Thy loving active intervention in our lives that we may draw closer to Thee, thus aquesing to Thy Will.
Come by here my Lord, come by here, let Thy mantle of Redemptive Forgiving Grace fall upon all those I may encounter and Thy comforting Holy Spirit dwell within me, so that I may be joined by them in Thy Holy Harvest.
Lord God, Almighty Creator of all that exists, both physical and spiritual, take Thy lawful place within my heart, mind and soul, for separation from Thee is a curse dominated existence that always steadily diminishes my soul.
Open my heart, grant me the hydration of Thy Redeeming Healing Grace so that rather than diminishing, my soul may increase in grace and I and my brethren may join Thy angels in joyful worship and witness of Thy Omnipresent Glory.
Spirit of the Living God, grant me the serenity of Thy guidance, the comfort of Thy love, and the power to resist temptation in all its forms, without Thee I am lost and prone to make excuses for my tendencies to stray from Thee.
Elohim, our Father Who art in Heaven accept my humble prayers, let not the hubris of my prideful tendencies cause me to stumble on the narrow path that Thou has so graciously cleared for me, for without Thee I stray so easily.
Remember me, Lord, as Thou once remembered the thief Dismas, and take my remorseful plea for salvation and forgiveness into Thy Omnipresent Loving Heart so that I too may be welcomed into Thy Heavenly Kingdom
Thou art the one True God, the Creator of all that exists both physical, spiritual, visible and invisible, Thy Son is the Resurrected Glory of Salvation and Thy Holy Spirit our Comforter, dwell within us and grant us Thy Redemption, we plea.
Omnipotent is Thy Power oh Lord God, omnipresent is Thy existence, nothing in the creative ability of finite man can be made to compare to Thee, for Thou art the One True Infinite God of all creation and the Font from which all life flows.
Take me and mine into Thy service Lord, Holy Spirit, protect us from the onslaught of the evil temptation that so often comes our way, grant us the visible sign of Thy presence in our lives so that others may marvel and come to follow Thee.
Hear oh Lord, the silent pleas of the errant and erratic creation that is man, grant us the infilling of Thy Redemptive and Healing Grace so that our feet may walk with Thee on the narrow path, of salvation created by Thy Holy Son, Yeshua,
Each day upon this earthly realm brings forth the fresh aroma of temptation wafting through the air, enticing, alluring, embracing and enslaving, Grant me the Power of Thy Redeeming and Healing Grace so that I may avoid all temptation.
Employ me in Thy Great Plan of Salvation Lord God, for while working according to Thy Will in the fields of salvation my wisdom shall increase, my love for my fellow man may increase and Thy influence on me may never diminish.
Justify my existence oh Lord Jesus by firmly taking control of my life, wash my soul in Thy Redeeming Blood, clear my mind of all evil thoughts and fill my heart with Thy Omnipresent Love so that I shall love my neighbor as Thou hast loved me.
Enter my heart, oh Holy Spirit, so I may know the solace and serenity of Thy loving presence in my heart, mind and soul, guide my steps ever closer to Thee Lord and grant me eternal life in Thee.
Support me oh God, for my steps are prone to lead me into spiritual trouble and eventual failure when I am not in Thy Grace, and my mind makes excuses for my untenable actions, none of which can bring me closer to Thee.
Unshackle me from the chains forged by my errant behavior, cleanse my soul so that I may stand before Thee with a soul so clean that I am pleasing in Thy sight and welcomed in Thy House, oh God
Send Thy angels to sweep away all evil before me, make my every action glorify Thee each day, thus I can be assured of Thy Grace empowering me to do Thy Will always, grant me the gift of eternal life withThee, for this in Jesus name I pray.