Jerusalem, the city of the Prince of peace, the home wherein man will find God’s perfect peace
when Christ returns here to gather His own and banish all of evil whim, cleansing us from sin.
Emmanuel, the Prince of Peace, in a divine gesture of love, came to reconcile the sons man
with their Almighty Creator, bringing with His presence, redemption eternal life and peace with
Redeemed are we at such a price never again to be paid, for not one of the hosts of creation
can boast of the omnipotent perfection the Lamb of God had laid aside to defend the sinful
beings called man.
Unburdening the sons of man of the punishment they justly deserved, Christ the innocent Lamb
for sinners slain, did take the torment on Himself and for our sins was Himself unceremoniously
Saved by the Prince of Peace, the Lamb for sinners slain, we stand to gain, for the asking,
entrance to the new Jerusalem, the City of God’s Blessed Peace and there in eternal grace
Almighty God, Creator blest, in our hearts take up Thy rest, for in Thee we are inviolate, in Thee
from sin restrained, for none, who in worship are of hubris vein have the power inherent in Thee.
Lord, in Thee is my security, in Thee all fear is gone, for in Thee is my true Jerusalem, where I
shall find eternal grace, flowing like an endless sea and gain true peace in Thee.
Elohim, my Father God and Creator, draw me ever nearer to Thee, for Thou has stated
unequivocally that in grace I will see Thy peace oh God and thus, reconciled, live in peace with
Master, my Lord Jesus Christ, I call on Thee most poinniently, for only in Thy sheltering arms
can l receive Thy Redeeming Grace and live in eternal peace, gaining eternal life in Thee