Bless Thy Name, oh My soul and all that is within me, bless Thy Holy Name.
Let there be peace on earth, let it begin with my thanksgiving for Thy works, Lord.
Elohim, I humbly approach Thy throne in thanksgiving praise amidst supplication.
Savior of mankind, I thank Thee for Thy gift of the Grace of Reconciliation.
Savior of mankind, I thank Thee for taking my place on the altar of iniquity.
Take oh Lord my prayers, make them gainful in Thy sight, within Thy Will..
Honor, praise and glory is due Thee oh Lord God of all existence.
Elohim, Thou art my God, every breath I take is born of Thy Will.
Lord God, Almighty Creator, accept my prayers on behalf of my fellow man.
Omnipotent God, Thy glory is blinding and Thy purpose eternal.
Redeemer mine, unworthy though I am, I offer Thee Thy rightful Sovereignty.
Deliver me Lord, from the lures of evil, as I glorify Thee in the midst of travail.