Hear us oh Lord God of Infinite Existence, we come to Thee in jubilation, for Thy Son; Jesus
has vouchfased our identity before Thee, and we humbly seek Thy presence and guidance in
our lives.
All things become possible for those who diligently seek Thy guidance, for they are most often
in accordance with Thy Divine Will, and though perfection eludes them, Thy Grace guides and
strengthens them.
Lord God, our Creator, Thy existence is not formed nor sustained by the finite mind of man,
rather, all existence both visible and invisible are formed by Thy omnipresent and omnipotent
Lord God, let us not fall into the nets of temptation, for without Thee, we shall be surely
gathered up and deposited into the holds of Perdition’s fleet and devoured by his ravenous and
infamous minions.
Enter into our hearts, minds and souls oh Holy and Blessed Spirit that we may be comforted,
strengthened and guided by Thee, for without Thee in firm control we are bound to fall from
Love lifted me into the highest of highs, for by Thy Redeeming Grace, Thou has vouchfased my
existence before Thy Heavenly Father oh Lord Jesus and rendered me an heir to heaven.
Understanding my weaknesses, Thou hast taken the steps necessary to ensure that I have the
ability to choose between Perdition’s nets and Thy Healing and Redeeming Grace Lord Jesus.
Jesus take the tiller of the ship that is my life, navigate through the shoals of Perdition on my
behalf, for without Thy guidance and being left to my own devices I shall truly sink.
All things eventually succumb to Thy Will, thus we can rejoice in the fact that in spite of all the
travails of this life, we can be assured that in all things Thou art in control, despite our fears to
the contrary.
Hear us, oh Lord Jesus, as we rejoice in the knowledge that all things are under Thy control, for
the eventual redemption of mankind has been assured by Thy loving sacrifice on our behalf.