Omnipotent art Thou,” our God, there is none like Thee, Thou had existed before creation itself, grant me Thy Grace, Will, guidance and protection I plea.
Unchain me from the shackles of sin with the redemptive grace furnished by the suffering, death and resurrection of Thy Son Jesus.
Redirect my steps in life according to Thy Will for without Thee I am bound to lose my way among the temptations offered by this earth.
God, Thou art the Great Physician, the Creator of all existence, I acknowledge Thy sovereignty in all of creation for Thou art the only God
Our Father Who art in Heaven Holy is Thy Name, Thy kingdom come, Thy Will be done on earth as it is in heaven, forgive us our sins.
Demand everything of me according to Thy will, for as my Creator all that exists both visible and invisible exists because Thou made it so.