Enter into my heart oh Holy Spirit, cleanse my soul, and cast out what offends Thee so that I may dwell in the house of the Lord God, the Heavenly Father of Jesus, in grace forever.
Lead me, oh Omnipotent Lord, to green fields of abundant milk and honey, grant me the Redeeming Grace that I need to live my life in the fullness of Thy holy, omnipresent and omnipotent Word.
Of Thee I sing in praise, before Thee I pray in supplication, In Thy word is truth, Thy Grace is Redemption and in Thy Love protection against sin, for great is Thy omnipotent and omnipresent power.
Help me with the Redeeming Grace that Thy Son Jesus acquired for me at such great cost in humiliation, suffering, death and resurrection, for without Thy grace and guidance in my life, I cannot survive.
Invest in me Thy omnipotent and vastly omnipresent grace oh God of creation, for Thy Son Jesus has opened the doors of redemption for those who acknowledge Thy omnipresent sovereignty.
Master of creation, no god created by man can approach Thy omnipotence and omnipresence, allow me to receive Thy Redeeming Grace that I may dwell in the house of the Lord God Creator forever.