You took my place, and paid for my indiscretions.
Oppressed on every side, by those who You came to reclaim, You prevailed.
Unwilling to evade Your Father’s will, You suffered the curse man’s sin created.
All things have always been possible for You, yet You chose to take my place.
Redeeming man from his just earned punishments, You took them to Yourself.
Each day, every moment in time is another chance to be renewed in the arms of God.
Messiah I cling to Your cross, for Thou has made it the instrument of my salvation.
You are the only one, the path of salvation, the Son of the one true God.
Savior of mankind, You are my refuge in all your times, for all things are possible in You.
Take me as I am, mold me into that which You desire me to be, that I may glorify You.
Omnipotent God of salvation, apply in me Thy grace and love, let me glorify You.
Receive my efforts to glorify You oh God, forgive my faults, that in me You are manifest.
You are the One True God, You are my beginning and in You there will be no end.