When life appears to grind you down, it’s time to
 your cares to God, the outcome in His hands is worth the wait.

Once God controls our life goals, all good things
eventually come and it’s worth the wait.

Redeemed by Christ’s sacrifice on man’s behalf, the best
is to yet to come.

Trials and tribulations come as rain, the end of which
is worth the wait.

Have no care, do not despair, God has all well in hand.


Take time, back up and take a look for all travail will
end, not so the blessings of the King.

Hold on to and anticipate the blessings of the King for
they truly are worth the wait.

Eternal life, God’s grace and loving presence shall come
your way and are worth the wait.


Worldly things all pass by, not so the love of God most

All earthly things both good and bad shall end some day,
not so the love of God.

In His hands all blessings come and they are worth the

Take heed Jesus gave His life for man and His eventual
redemption of man  is certainly worth the