We needed a perfect intercessor, one who’s life was with out sin, so God, You let Your  blameless Son pay the price to save errant man and his kin.

He had to be spiritual perfection – in every way, with no possibility of sin, only then salvation for mankind could be brought in.

Yeshua, You were born the Lamb of God to free mankind from sin, and thus grace the sons of man with eternal life and liberty in Thee.

We know that You were the perfect Lamb, for Thee whom Mary called her first born was Emmanuel, God with us – made man.

Assuredly, the sacrifice of redemption’s price exceeded all that man’s entire generations could ever gather in one place.

So God, You sent Your Son Jesus to sever Satan’s binding cords, and to offer protection from Satan’s grasping and unholy hordes.

Jesus take the wheel, I plea, as I drive through the hi-way of my life, for with out You to guide me I will fall under Satan’s knife. 

Emmanuel, I call on thee to sanctify my way, for without Your guidance in my life I’m oft bound to stray.

Sin, much like my good intentions, oft work to bar my  way, for I repeat, without Your guiding  presence Lord, I am oft bound to stray.

Until we ask You, Lord Jesus, we remain floundering in sin, give us the grace and wisdom to let Your Holy Spirit in.

See, being God You are perfection and sin can not lead You astray, for Thou art the living God, the Light, the Truth and the Way.

Sinlessness was the pure state of glory that only You could claim, thus  You my Savior were the only one who could give mankind a second birth, that in grace man might remain.

In the state of sinlessness, Lord. You took upon Yourself the sins for which You were blameless and for me paid salvation’s horrific price.

Nothing offered of man can equal this; that One Man so loved the world that He laid down His life to bring salvation to and save the race of man.

Love lifted up the stranger, for as sinners that’s what we are, and with loving concern for his welfare paid the price to set him free.

Elohim’s Son, being God You are sinless, something no man even Adam could ever claim to be, how marvelous the Love that came to rescue me.

So I understand the enormity of what had to be, that God so loved mankind’s race, only Pure Perfection could rescue mankind and me.

Sinless in all things my Lord, You took the blame for me, and though You could have stopped them,…….You hung upon the tree.