We gather together to praise the Lord for His many blessings, as we should.
Here we come together , praising God in our homes, sometimes in auditoriums, parking
Christ’s Father so loved the world that He allowed His Son to be our sacrificial Lamb.
Oppressed by those He came to save, Christ died and rose again to bring them home.
Making Himself the carrier of all our sins, He paid for our redemption with His life.
Make no mistake, I am one of those for whom He died taking my blame on Himself.
Understanding all of our weaknesses, He took our place and punishments.
No greater love can one receive or give another than this and eternal life too!
In His gift to mankind is God’s forgiveness, the soil in which His gift of salvation grows.
Our Lord Jesus did all of this for us and continues to do so today.
Nothing we will ever do can compare to how He proved His great love for us.
Take heed, He permitted mankind to punish and kill Him for our sins.
In Jesus’s actions we have the miracle of mankind’s redemption.
Master of all things and times, nonetheless, Christ paused for us.
Each time we do this in His memory, we honor His great gift of love.