W hen the world seems dark and all seems lost, it is then
we’ll find, we’re the lucky ones.
E very trial shall end, for in accepting God’s love we’ll
find help from heaven above.
R ejoice everyone, for in His comforting love we’ll find
we’re the blessed ones.
E ach trial that goes by, we can all rely on Him to get
us through, for we’re the fortunate ones.
The Savior granted us His Love, giving us a home with
Him above, thus we’re the lucky ones.
Holy Spirit grants grace within our hearts, with Him
from sin we can depart, we’re the blessed ones.
Each day is a challenge true, but the Lord‘s Love will
see us through, for with Him we’re the fortunate ones.
Look and you’ll see, with God’s omnipotent will in
charge, we’re the lucky ones.
Understanding our tendency to fall, with Christ in
control, we’re the lucky ones.
Christ came to redeem the lost at great cost, because of
His Love we’re the blessed ones.
Keep sight of Christ the King, for truth be told we are
worthy of none of His many blessings.
Yes, in Jesus’ Love we’re the lucky ones, for this luck
is His omnipotent Love at work.
Omnipotent Love did come without our design, for God
provides all that is fine.
Now we’re the lucky ones, for God favors us with His
love each day as in His will we pray.
Every breath we take, within His will, lifts us up from
sin’s grasping swill, thus we’re the lucky ones.
Sing now in praise of Him who is Love, because, luck is
God’s Love actively working within thee and me.