Wonderous and Almighty God of Creation, steady us in the
battle against all of Satan’s intentions, for Thy Will is ever binding and the
enemy chafes at the bit to do harm.
Employ our hearts, minds and souls in the service of Thy
Everlastingly Divine Omnipotent Will, oh God of creation, that all of our deeds
glorify Thy Eternally Holy Name.
Accept our humble service on behalf of the ill, infirm
and the vulnerable unborn as we ask that Thou lend us Thy grace to be more of
what Thou hast intend us to be.
Renew our resolve each day with Thy loving grace, bless
our helm so that we think according to Thy will, our chest plates, that our
hearts and souls be filled with Thy Holy Spirit.
Employ us with the Sword of Truth, the helm of Thy Word and the breastplate of grace, oh Lord
God of Creation, that we may successfully protect the ill, infirm and unborn.
We are Thy warriors on this Earth Lord, use us according
to Thy will, for Thy way is narrow, but by Thy grace in us, the path is widened
and gives us strength over all adversaries.
Almighty God, Creator of Heaven and Earth, we come to
Thee in faithful fealty as we ask for Thy grace in the spiritual battles
against the evils inherent on this Earth.
Renew our spiritual strength Lord, that our physical
strength may stand up against the onslaughts created by the satanically
influenced foe.
Restore, oh Lord of the Heavens, Your rule upon this
earth, send Thy enemies packing quickly to their just reward and free the ill,
infirm and unborn from Satan’s shackles.
In You, my Lord, is the power over all things visible
and invisible, we humbly ask that You lend us this power in our defense of the
physically and spiritually ill, infirm and unborn.
Oh God, we Thy
warriors come before Thee in humble supplication requesting Thy omnipotent
loving protection on behalf of the physically and spiritually ill, infirm and
Remove the inhibiting obstacles in our way, oh God of
Creation, for Thou art the One True God, Maker if all that exists, and only You
can guarantee to free our path in righteousness.
Send Your heavenly hosts to protect us and to win our
battles for us in Your Blessed Name as they did in days of old, we beseech Thee
oh Glorious God of Creation.
Infuse our hearts with Thy loving grace that we may have
compassion for the ill, infirm and the vulnerable unborn and a touch of
Thy Infinite Love for our fellow human
Negate the evil influences that are controlling our
earthly government and encourage the growth of Thy Omnipresent Will in their
sessions, that Thou may be glorified, oh God.
Battle for us, Oh Lord our God of Creation, grant us the
spiritual success that Thou has given Thy warriors of old, certify us, Thy
warriors in Thy book of eternal life.
Apply Thy loving grace to the hearts, minds and souls of
those who blindly follow in the shoes of that great deceiver Satan, that they
may be freed from his binding shackles.
Take up the defense of Thy standard bearers, oh Lord
Jesus, fill us with Thy loving grace and lead us, as only Thou are capable of
Touch and heal those by whom Thou pass, that They may
act according to Thy will and protect the ill, infirm and unborn for many have
been deceived by that great deceiver Satan.
Let no man render unworthy of life that which Thou hast
quickened in the womb, bless the mother and the child unborn that they may live
to glorify Thee oh God of Creation.
Employ us according to Thy Will oh God, certify us as Thy
warriors in battle on behalf of the physically and spiritually ill, infirm and
unborn that they may have the chance to glorify Thee,……. in Jesus Name we pray.