The hardships in life that man may face, can oft bring
him to spiritual disgrace.

Robbed of the blessings that Jesus Christ brings,
without Him we fall into the grip of evil things.

Unless mankind seeks the grace of God, to sin‘s grasp
all men shall fall hard.

Sin’s enticements are like bait on a hook, travail the
line that reels one in, without Christ we will fall to sin.

Trust in God’s loving nature and eternal life will be
your grace filled feature.

In God is where our trust should be, not in the hands of
those like you and me.

Now travail can be a blessing, an exercise of grace, if
one allows Jesus to control the steady pace.

God is the Almighty One always in true control, so trust
in Him completely to arrive at heaven’s goal.


Go tell the world of His glory, loving and might, tell
how you were rescued from sin’s grip of fright.

Oppressed as one may feel, be of good cheer, for Jesus
controls everything here.

Decry not your circumstance, let loud hosannas ring,
triumphantly give all to Christ the King.


In God, your trust you should let grow, for only within
Him resides salvation and banishment of woe, 

Now reach out to Jesus in your
travail, with His loving grace to strengthen you, you will prevail.


Travail in time shall have an ending, but God’s grace
and love are everlasting.

In God, your trust you should let grow, for within Him
is salvation which banishes woe.

Make room for God to guide your way and receive victory
in Jesus every day.

Elihim did create all and all is within His power, call
Him and gain grace this very hour.

Sing out to Him this very minute, sing out and claim
Salvation’s mighty power, revel in it.


Opressed, overcome, overwhelmed by sin, only in Jesus
can new life begin.   

Forsake all the charms of this planet earth, like
travail they are only of fleeting worth.


Darkness is dispelled when light holds sway, Christ is
the light dispelling evil’s dark way.

All things are in God’s ultimate control and  His grace makes us fit for our heavenly role.

Redeemed by Jesus our heavenly King, we are heirs to
every grace filled thing.

Kidnapped by sin, rescued by love, in times of trouble
we must turn to God up above.

Nailed to a cross and counted for loss, He rose again to
grant us salvation through the cross.

Enduring salvation Jesus did bring, of His love we, the
rescued children, joyfully sing.

Sing out, sing out, claim God’s loving gift of
salvation, in joy filled song join the heavenly congregation.

Sing out, yell, shout, claim all God does bring, for
goodness sake in your joyful praise let the heaven’s ring.