Thou art the One True God , the only being fit to rule,
yet foolish man chose to replace perfection with a human tool.

Hear the voice of Thy servant Lord, as to You I pray,
thankful that You did not abandon us on that sorry day.

Yeshua, our forgiveness You have decreed, that once in
Your saving grace man from sin would finally be freed.


Kings your people desired, and placed upon Your throne,
rejecting Your authority for another, they claimed as their own.

In place of Your authority, they chose the rule of man,
replacing perfection with one they created out of hand.

Neglecting Your authority with their foolish choice, some
even stopped listening to Your patient voice.

Glory and praise is due Thee, for all that You have
done, for without Your intervention salvation can’t be won.

Do not leave me in this vale of fear Lord, for with Thy
saving grace, I no longer have to fear Satan’s evil horde.

Obtain for me Thy blessings, wipe away my sin filled
tears, fill me with Your joy Lord as You eradicate all my fears.

Make me and mine the recipients of Your cleansing grace
and of sin’s corruption leave in us not a trace.  


Come by here Lord we plead, that a grace filled life we
will lead as You have decreed.

Oh Mighty Redeemer, we ask with clear refrain, Lord take
us to Your Kingdom that in grace we may remain.

My Lord Jesus,
You declared that in Your kingdom we will gain with everyone; the final gift of
salvation that for mankind You have won.

Emmanuel, we praise Thee and pray Your kingdom come that
man will live forever more and Your Will always be done.