Thou hast prepared me for the trials of life, Lord, and
have warned me about the future, and because of Thy grace, my faith in You
sustains me.

Help me Lord intellectually, spiritually, and
practically to do what You expect me to do according to Thy Will, thereby
glorifying Thee.

Renforce my knowledge and understanding of Your Word,
that all my works prove pleasing to Thy Omnipresent Will.

Employ my every action according to Thy will that my
deeds prove practical in operation, and reveal Thy glory to the races of

Enforce Thy Word in me, let Thy Spirit sustain me, as I
apply Thy Word to the challenges of my life and to the benefit of those around


Fold me in Thy arms 
when I become weary that I may know that Thou art with me and always
sustain me with Thy Love and empowering grace, 

Oh Jesus, help me to understand
Thy Word that my intellect may grow as Thy teachings nurture me in grace and
blessed understanding.

Lead me, Lord, to do Thy will, my intellect to
righteousness and my spirt to be true to Thee, for life is not practical to be
without Thee.

Demand of me what You will and guide me to be practical
as I live my life in Your grace that I may bring true honor to Thy Name, oh
Lord Jesus.


Practicality demands that I see things as they are and
not as I wish them to be, for only then can Thy grace effect the changes I

Refresh my faith with Thy grace when I am weary, for without
Thee Lord, I can fall hard and with Thee I can weather any storms in my life.

Educate me Oh God of ancient Israel, that what flows
from my mouth is by Thy Will and Divine Edification, and honey to the ears of

Place Thy word in my mind and lips that I may accurately
teach Thy Word according to Thy Will, let The words of Thy Will flow from my

Accept this unworthy servant into Thy household that I
my be faithfully sub-servant to Thine Omnipotent Will and bring glory to Thy

Restore me to Thy grace that I may be found pleasing in
Your sight, sustain me so I do not grow weary, make of me an instrument of Thy

Allow me the privilege to glorify Thee Jesus in my every
action, that Your glory may be made visible to others as You educate me in Thy
Holy Word.

Teach Thy Word to me according Thy divine will, allow
Thy Holy Spirit to be my guide and bring Thy Word to the hearts of men, that
Thou art glorified.

Instill in me Thy three fold attributes, the spiritual
that I my see Thee, intellectual that I may know Thee and practicality that my
deeds are fruitful.

Observe my failures, that they may bring me closer to
Thee, my successes, that they may glorify Thee and my faith that I prove true
to Thee.

Nurture my intellect, my spirituality and my
practicality  that I may successfully
serve Thee and all of my deeds glorify Thee, Lord Jesus.