There is another in the fire, and Lord Jesus that is
Hot are the burning coals of sinful bondage, yet they
have no hold on me.
Every step to my redemption, Your Holy Spirit has guided
Redemption comes from Your love Lord, and Your love has lifted me.
Emmanuel You broke the chains of sinful bondage, with
Your grace you set me free.
In glorious redemption, You have shattered sin’s
shackles, now they have no hold on me.
Son of God Ever Existing, you gave Your life to rescue me.
Almighty God, You’re the other in the fire, and You‘ve
protected me.
Now in grateful adoration, I come to Thee on bended
Only by following Your direction, will my journey lead
to Thee.
There is another in the fire, and Lord Jesus that is
Holy Spirit, You embrace me, You grace has set me free.
Every thing that had possessed me, You had to strip from
Recovered from dispossession, I am strengthened by Your
loving grace.
In the fire I am tempered, fighting steel I’ve come to
Now, there is another in the fire, my Lord I’ve found it’s Thee.
There is another in the fire, in You I have the victory.
Holy Spirit You have made me the all I will ever need to
Every day of my existence, Lord, I am empowered through
Your loving grace.
Forever guiding me through the darkness, Lord You’re
love sheds light unto my path.
In the fire I am protected and redeemed by Your love for
Released from sin’s grasping bondage, I stand free in
praise of Thee.
Empowered by Your resurrection, I rejoice in praise of