Oh how I wish I could stand in the pulpit and share this one.  Oftentimes God has shared many things with me that I have been happy to share with just a few close brothers and to the inspiration page.  But this is the first time I wish I could shout this from the pulpit of the greatest auditorium in the world.

  Let me know what you think my brothers in Christ, for I am so energized that I am beside myself.


Take heed oh ye who bear the mantle of teacher, herald, minister,or stand in any authority of spiritual leadership, the judgment for good or evil shall come upon thee for that which you teach.

Hear me brethren, do not be as the Sanhedren of old, perfectly monkeying the trappings of piety, like parrots speaking words of wisdom to which they fall to apply to their own actions.

Elohim’s Son has stated, that their own lips shall bear witness to their profundity, denominational dogma should never take the place of God’s Holy Word, for these clubhouse rules are hollow indeed 



Sin entered the world through the act of disobedience, rooted in the misguiding teaching of he who lied, being jealous of man’s personal walk with God and man’s God given authority over the earth.

In giving in to Satan’s words, Adam and Eve surrendered their authority and disobeyed God, that sin of disobedience is what separates man from God, there are many actions but only one sin.

Nothing should cause division within the Body of Christ on this earth, division is not of the Word but of the world, when one places the loyalty to a denomination ahead of Biblical Wisdom, then division flourishes and disobedience wins.


Our adherence to doctrine is our great stumbling block, who you are in Christ should never come after what you do in Christ’s name, for action without the sanctification of the Word is void.

Free yourself of earthly allegiances, be as those who have followed the admonitions of Paul, do not separate yourself from the totality of The Body of Christ, for if you do you will fall to denominationalism.


Desire the gifts of the Holy Spirit, not for the generation of physical proof of faith nor for the elevation of one’s position within the membership of one’s denomination, but for the elevation of all.

Exhortations can be wonderful, but, used as a ‘tool’ under the control of the actor on the ‘stage’ of denominationalism, then they are of no more merit than the actions of a circus clown.

Now do not dismay, I tell you these things not to have you forsake the assembly, for the assembly is truly a fine thing if it includes Christ, but I implore you, do not put the assembly before God’s Word.

Our Salvation is not in the club we join, but in God’s Word, a denomination or club is created by man to cater to his comfort zone, that which is of Christ is above the world and thus truly leads to salvation.

Ministers, teachers, heralds and church administrators take heed, if you teach in accordance with denominationalism, thus failing to bring forth the Word of God, you are preaching foolishness.

It is not in any man’s power to grant salvation, thus doctrine that falls to conform to God!s Word becomes denominational and being so, becomes judgemental and misleading.

Now, Jesus exhorts us to be discerning, that is to see to our own faults, not others faults, He stated; get the log out of your own eye before you attempt to remove the splinter out of your brother’s eye.

Assemble with your brethren as God’s Word has instructed, for true growth comes from the light, so assemble and shine, just remember, the assembly must be grounded in God’s Word, Jesus.

THE WORD IS JESUS, THE TRUTH IS JESUS, THE LIGHT IS JESUS, if you assemble without His presence, then you are assembled in darkness, that is the secret sin of denominationalism.

In this instance, I claim Navi and I pray that what I have put forth is truly rooted according to God’s Word and not of my own interpretation, for only in the Word of God is found the fullness of eternal life.

Only in God’s grace can man accomplish the things in life according to His will, for no matter what the action (meant  for good or ill) if God did not give you the responsibility then it is not yours to take.

Nothing without the sanction of God, no matter how good the intention or the outcome, if rooted in self glory or denominationalism can by its nature ultimately be to the glory of God.

All judgment belongs to the One individual who is without sin, Jesus Christ, to place yourself in the seat of judgment by right of denominationalism is to shove Christ off of His throne.

Let us be reconciled to the fact that the Word is infallible, but the doings of man and his doctrines are fraught with inaccuracies, especially when their instructions conflict with God’s Word.

It is not the purview of man to instruct his fellow man according to his or his elders doctrine or preconceptions, for one must understand; man’s wisdom is finite, but God’s Word yields eternal life 

Sons and daughters of Adam and Eve, you were asked to love thine enemies, to emulate the Son of God, who, while still hanging on the cross, invoked the power of love and forgave His enemies.

My brothers and sisters I implore thee, do not permit the sin of denominationalism to cause you to falter in your walk with Jesus Christ, for salvation comes from Him and not man’s earthly associations