The Message of the Manger
The world subjugated by Rome was called to census by emperor Caesar Augustus.
Head of household Joseph, packed up and with his new wife took the difficult journey to Bethlehem.
Each subject of the empire to be counted during the census had to return to the land from which their family sprang.
Mary was with child, that trip was so difficult for the newly weds and worse, when they arrived they found no place to lay their heads.
Elohim’s Son Jesus was born with out a bed, so in a hay filled manger Mary laid His little head.
Silent was the night I’m told, quite crisp and cold too, thus was born the Prince of Peace to save both me and you.
Shepherds watched o’r their flocks, while angels sang their songs of praise, heralding the Savior that Mary soon would raise.
Angels came that crisp cold night heralding the rightful King and the new future that He would surely bring.
God through His Son Jesus would His promise keep, that man, in sin, would not forever sleep.
Elohim’s Son, Jesus was born on that first Christmas day that man would follow Him through to heaven’s way.
Our Father, man’s creator never turned away, His promise that man would be rescued from sin came to be activated that fine day.
For Jesus the Lamb of God, all praise and glory be, the child of the virgin Mary, was born to rescue you and me.
This is God’s story, of the Loving Glory that is God, in short, Jesus was born to save mankind from the devil’s prod.
Her Son was born, as the angel had foretold, the Lamb destined to bring mankind back into God’s fold.
Elohim’s loving promise of salvation was brought to bear by the heralded birth of God’s only begotten Son.
Mary accepted the will of God and brought into this world’s fold, the Lamb of God that angels and shepherds soon would behold.
As prophecies foretold, this gift from God was worth more then all the treasuries containing Caesar’s gold.
Nazareth raised and Bethlehem born, God’s Promise fulfilled, the salvation of mankind is what God had willed.
God in His wisdom planned for man’s grace filled reprieve, all we have to do is claim it and believe.
Elohim’s Son came to release mankind from the chains of sin, so that blessed eternNal life we could win.
Redemption came with Jesus Christ who‘s birth that night ensured, that Satan’s horde would lose the final fight and sin could no longer be endured.