Thou art the breath of true life, oh Lord God Of
Creation, fill my hard pressed lungs with the grace of Thy sanctified air.

Hold my hand, oh my Great and Loving Shepherd, least I
stumble and fall in my spiritual blindness, for the enticingly evil obstacles
in this life are many.

Encourage me to return to Salvation’s fold, oh my Loving
Shepherd, when in my blind foolhardiness I chance to stray from the safety of
Thy protective direction.


Lead me beside the still waters of Thy choosing, oh Lord
of True Life, for many are the dangers in the depths of this life’s attractive

Our Father, Who art in heaven, blessed be Thy Name, let
me not fall to the temptations of my sinful desires least I lose Thy presence
in my life …. forever.

Redeemer of God’s creations, Defender of mankind,
sharpen my vision, do not let me go spiritually blind, least I stumble and

Deny me not the solace of Thy presence Lord, let me lean
upon Thy arm, for Thy presence lends me the guidance I need to reinforce my
salvation in Thee, cradle me.


In You , oh God of Eternal Life and Creation, is
mankind’s salvation, do not allow my blind-sighted vision to rob me of Your
presence and protection, for I shall surely fall without Thee….forever.

Send Thy angels to my aide, oh God, least the evil one
claim me for his flock, for therein lies the swamp of eternal perdition and the
pains of eternal damnation and slavery.


Make of me. oh God, an instrument of Thine Eternal Will,
that I may forever enjoy the presence and guidance of the Great Shepherd, Thy
Son Jesus.

You are the Way of Eternal Salvation, in You is the Root
of All Truth, grant me Your Eternal Life that I may always glorify Thee and
enjoy life in Your presence, oh my Creator.


Spirit of the Living God, grant me Your solace in my
despair, Thy strength in my weakness, and Thy breath of life when I encounter
the tainted air of evil in this life.

Hold me close, oh Lord, for as a son of Adam I am not
much different than my earthly father and am prone to stray from the shelter of
Thy loving protection.

Encourage me, oh Holy Spirit, when in my weakness I tend
to sway, do not allow me to fall into Perdition’s evil, tainted grasping swamp,
for without Thee I may never get out.

Protect me from my sinful human inclinations and the
spiritual blindness that may befall me in my lifetime, oh Lord God, Creator of
all Life.

Heal my spiritual eyes Lord, that I may clearly see the
dangers hidden in the spiritual darkness inherent within this earthly life.

Encourage me, oh my Great Shepherd, let Thine Holy
Spirit fill me with Thy saving grace that all my deepest deeds are always
according to Thy Divine Will.

Remember me Lord, when I begin to stray, reach out,
gather me in and protect me from my own foolishness.

Deny me nothing of Thy protection oh my God, restore my
spiritual sight that I may always see Thy glory and in Thy glory be protected
by Thy love.