Trials and tribulations may come our way, much as the fire that strengthens the clay.

He was hated by those of selfish closed heart, but those who received Jesus, His love set apart.

Each day of travail is a triumph to be received, as of sin’s shackles we are finally relieved. 

Holy Spirit stands with us who follow God’s Son, for with His comforting presence the battle is won.

One life we are given with all it’s travail, but the grace of the Holy Spirit will always prevail.

Perhaps we are burdened with grievous sin, but all is forgiven once Christ is let in.

Each day that we look to the guidance of God, we’ll find that His guidance is there to be had.

Open hearts receive salvation from Christ’s sacrifice, for Jesus our Savior has paid the slave price.

Freed from sin’s shackles, no longer slaves to sin,  when we surrender to God, His Holy Spirit is enters within.

Surrendering our egos to the God who made man, we become empowered by God’s righteous hand.

Unstable the steps of faith we take, yet God and His angels rejoice at the progress we make.

Rejoice in surrender to God’s mighty plan, for He has all things well in hand.

Rjoice for in surrender, praise the Lord each day, let Jesus guide you all of the way.

Each day is a triumph of hope in travail, for with Jesus to guide us we can not fail.

Nothing is easy with the world holding sway, but with Jesus to guide us we’ll find the way.

Defended by the Holy Spirit strengthened we will be, for Jesus will save both you and me.

Elohim’s home is within our reach, when we follow the lessons that Jesus did teach.

Released from the shackles of sin,  grace is ours once we let Jesus in.