The First Easter

They drew lots for Thy perfect garments and jeered as
Thou hung on the tree, then in the fullness of Thy Will ,still forgiving, Thou
died for me.

Hell’s hordes rejoiced, for in their sinfulness and
blinding pride they believed that by killing the human part of Thee, they
succeeded in killing Thee.

Emmanuel, God’s Son is dead they said, then came the
whisper from the deepest well of fear, surely – the Son of God was He, Lord
that fear filled voice could have been me.


Fear took a firm grip in the silence as the sky turned
to gray, and in the temple the great curtain was torn in twain that day.

In three day’s time, the ladies went to pay their
respects to Him, but death had no power, death had no sting, for He  was , is and ever shall be the well spring of
all life.

Resurrected from the dead, the Lord rightfully took life
firmly in His hand and the denizens of perdition trembled as Jesus took His

Sinful man had been estranged from Almighty God by sin’s
influence in his life, the bridge to grace was built by the sacrifice of the
Only One, who had a sinless life.

Then as Christ lay in the tomb, the symbolism of life
lying in a darkened womb held sway, giving each. way to Life asserting His
rightful place in the light of day.


Emmanuel, came back in glory, His power to affirm, that
through Him man could live forever more and never more in sin need roam, A
lmighty God, we thank Thee for in Thy divine love, Thou allowed Thy  Son to suffer, die and return to life to pay
the price for such as me.

Salvation was the gift procured for a sinful  life man could leave, for Thou took on the
punishments amassed by the sons of Adam and Eve.

The cave was empty, the mourners hesitated for no body
lay upon the empty bier, The angel of the Lord had rolled back the stone. 

Eternal life was granted to all for the asking as the
angel of the Lord proclaimed that Yeshua, Son of God the Creator, had conquest
death that Day.

R emember man that thou art dust and to dust thou shalt
return, but on the day of His resurrection, man was granted grace and eternal
life for the asking.