The Benefits Of Purpose

The sands of time are flowing, the time to rise is now
God’s will is the reason, Christ’s gift is the perfect how.

He came as a helpless babe in humble circumstance, tho
angels were His to command, He was the humblest of men.

Emanuel’s purpose was to rescue sinful man from sin so
vain, thus He became the Lamb for sinners slain.


Because of His great love for man and all man stood to
gain, He endured humiliation and pain, even unto death.

Elohim’s Son took upon Himself the punishment due to
man, that man might abundantly live again.

Never in man’s history did God come down like this, to
aide man back into the fold and grace filled eternal bliss.

Elohim’s Son did live on earth, for a score and thirteen
years, to wipe away the need for man’s spiritual tears.

First born Son of Mary, God’s only begotten Son, Your
life on earth was fleeting, but oh what You have won.

In You began creation, and You witnessed man’s fall from
grace, Your love came to the rescue of the human race.

Thus, You came down from heaven, armed with God’s great
salvation plan to rescue the lost race of man.

Son of God, Your love for us refused to wane, thus You
became the Lamb for sinners slain.


Oh Lord, fill my time with purpose according to Thy
will, with a heart guided by your love to aid the spiritually ill. 

Forgive my errant ways Lord, let Thy purpose be my
guide, fill all my deeds with grace so I may match Thy stride.


Put forth in me the grace to live my  life according to Your will, with love and
compassion for the spiritually ill.

Unleash in me the drive to do what is Your will for us,
that no further time is wasted nor soul is counted lost.

Renew the power of Your loving grace in us, make Your
will our fervent desire, that others Your love May acquire.

Place in us Lord Your love and grace so that time or
souls are not counted waste.

Open my heart in service to Your will, that my works in
Your fields are not counted ill.

Son of God, I call upon Thee to help me make up for time
lost without Thee.

Elohim’s Son Your short life had purpose, let the same
be said of me as You empower me to joyfully follow Thee.