Standing before the crowds, they began to witness about the salvation of mankind about Jesus, many who heard marveled, for each heard in his own language.

Perhaps they are drunk or they must be madmen, others cried in their unbelief, and yet each heard of the gospel, the good news of their redemption by Christ.

In spite of the mind boggling enormity of the gift of tongues, it was counted as the least in importance to the power that is love, for Jesus, Himself, is love.

Reaching out to the fallen creation that is man, God allowed His only begotten Son to go into the fields of iniquity in order that Adam’s sons could be rescued.

In the most astounding example of the power of love ,Christ permitted the sons of Adam to abuse and murder Him in order to pay for the redemption of man.

The greatest story ever told is that Jesus so love the world, He endured the ravages of physical abuse and death to bring man salvation by His resurrection.

Unworthy though they were, even as He humg so painfully abused, dying on the cross, in the midst of their jeering, God’s Son, Jesus forgive his enemies.

At a time when most of the sons of Adam, if not all, would curse their enemies, Christ, bleeding, nailed on the cross of man’s iniquity, granted them love.

Love is so important, that the Son of God Himself struggled with His last breaths to ensure that man could inherit it even as Adam’s sons  reviled and rejected Him.


Gifts of tongues, healing, wisdom, sobriety, even prophecy to name a few, are all wonderful and startlingly powerful .

In their own way and in the eyes of man, each is important and powerful, but none, not one is in any way greater than love.

For without the Father’s, the Son’s and the Holy Spirit’s love, none of the other Gifts of the Holy Spirit would exist.

Take note, the only command Christ left His people was the command to love, love God the father and one’s fellow men.

Suffice it to say: “God so loved the world that He gave his only begotten Son and Jesus so loved the world, He suffered and died to reunite man with his creator.