Sing with me, oh blessed angels, the praises of my Lord Jesus, for it was His Living Waters that
quenched the spiritual thirst in me.
Praise God from whom all blessings come, for His Son
Jesus came to save all mankind not just some.
Inspire me, my loving Lord and Savior from my spiritual
thirst free me, that I may go to heaven and live with Thee.
Redemption came to quench the drought that settled deep
within my soul, for nothing short of God’s omnipotent love could make me whole.
Infilled with God’s love and the grace of Living Waters
I gained all I need to be sin free.
Those who chose to ignore God’s gift of grace, chose
Satan’s inevitable fate, for them the spiritual desert like a Spector will await.
Understanding man’s shortcomings so prevalent through
out the land, God devised a plan to rescue the sons of Adam from Satan’s evil
grasping hand.
Almighty God, my Great Creator, with Thy Living Waters
quench my thirsty soul, that I may be made Yours forever and thus forever
Lift me up my Lord Jesus, do not let sin claim my errant
soul, for only Thy Living Waters can make me spiritually whole.
Deny me not the Living Waters of Thy blessed grace and
through life’s desolated desert please Lord guide me at Thy grace filled pace.
Redeem me Lord from the desert sands of sin and in the
oasis of Living Waters quench my spirit from within.
Open up my heart Lord Jesus and fill me with Thy Loving
grace, that never more in me shall sin find itself a place.
Unbind me Lord from the chains of spiritual thirst, fill
me with Thy Living Waters so as Your child I put Thee first.
Grant me Thy soothing, grace filled kiss upon my fevered
brow, that in praise of Your glory I shall sing now.
Hold on to me, my Loving Savior and when I thirst,
quench it with Thy Living Waters as You
continue to make me Your own.
Take me in Your embrace my Lord and Savior, protect me from all evil
things, for joyful peace is what Your salvation brings.
Nurture my thirsting heart Lord and with Thy Living
Waters, fill me up and save me from sin’s evil slaughters.
Employ me as a soldier in Your vanguard of salvation and
protect me from spiritual starvation this I ask of Thee.
Enable me to quench my thirst Lord in the grace of humility, so My voice will
happily glorify Thee.
Drench me Lord in Your river of Living Waters, baptize
me and negate the evils that threaten my grace filled life.
Now I call upon Thy Loving nature, make a warrior out of
me, that in Thy great salvation vanguard that I may be of service to Thee.
Open up my fearful heart sweet Jesus, that I may from
fear be set free, and as You quench my spiritual thirst Lord help me abide in
Take me as I am oh Lord, I call on Thee to quench my
spiritual thirst with grace that from Satan’s evil horde I shall always remain
Be Thou my Blessed Font of salvation, so that my
spiritual thirst shall be quenched by Thy grace filled love for Me.
Elohim, Thou art my up lifter, my thirst quencher , my
salvation in You leads me to greener pastures where spiritual drought need not