Sing oh my brethren of the glory that is our God and Creator, for His Son has conquered death and procured the grace of reconciliation for the sons and daughters of errant Adam and Eve.
In all things when facing torment rejoice, for the end of this life spells the beginning of life eternal for those who employ their lives in the service of the Lord, His Holy Spirit and His Son Christ Jesus
Nothing is beyond God’s authority or ability for He is the Creator of all things both visible and invisible, He is the giver of life eternal and the Harmonious Song which dispels discouragement.
Glory be to the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit, for in the face of torment, the Grace of Discernment and the songs of glorious praise sung by those who are faithful and serve to glorify God will uplift thy soul..
Allowing for mans penchant to fall into disgrace, one can argue the fact that man’s separation from God creates a gulf that can only be bridged by alliance with the Son of God, our Savior, Jesus Christ.
Whilst we were yet lost and blind to the fact that we were separated from a personal relationship with our Creator, Jesus Christ negotiated a reintergration of our relationship with God our Creator.
All we have to do is acknowledge the true sovereignty of Jesus, God’s Son and lay claim to the gift of eternal life and saving grace that Jesus Christ suffered, died and was resurrected in order to obtain for us.
Yeshua Christos, so loved the world, that while we were yet frolicking in the camp of the enemy and in ignorance actively confounding God’s will for ourselves, negotiated our release from bondage.
Dismal as life may appear to be, with all it’s problems and pitfalls, one must keep in mind that nothing born of this life lasts forever and the key to overcome its travails is to sing of the glory that is God.
It is no wonder that the evil one causes disputes and dispair, for it is in these times that we need to acknowledge the sovereignty of Christ and His presence in our lives with joyful song.
Sing, glorify the One who created Thee, rejoice in the sure and certain knowledge that all things of this existence will come to an eventual end and goodness and mercy shall be yours for eternity!
Clap your hands, stamp your feet, take you neighbor into your arms and glorifying the Name of Jesus, the Son of your Creator shout to the heavens of your redemption in Christ Jesus.
Our redemption would be impossible without the incredible intervention of the Son of God, as such, mankind faced an eternity as inhabitants of Satan’s palace of perdition and true dispair.
Remember man that thou art dust and to dust you shall return, but the gift of the Father is that those who acknowledge the sovereignty of God’s Son Jesus, shall receive the gift of eternal life in Him.
Accept the fact that this life shall have it’s travails and understand that this life is temporary, thus it’s travails shall with out doubt be temporary and you can rejoice in the glorious life to come in Jesus.
God’s control over all things stems from the fact that He has created the thread of life, measured it’s length and cut it to the perfection of his creation in accordance with His unfathomable will.
Each thread in the tapestry of life is carefully interwoven with it’s neighbor, of itself, like man, it can not see the outcome of it’s position in the tapestry of life, but like man it’s position has it’s purpose.
Mercy shall be given to those who actively seek it, measure for measure those who genuinely aspire to receive the gift of Salvation as offered by Christ Jesus, shall profit by their faith.
Eternal life shall be granted those who actively follow the mandared of Jesus Christ, in spite of the travails that come our way they shall end not, so the gift of salvation as given by Jesus Christ.
Now is the time given us, now come the torments of travail, now is the time to rejoice in the face of our travail, for it is given unto man the power of redemptive grace by God’s Son Jesus.
Take this gift of salvation, sing of God’s glory, rejoice in the company of those who are bathed in the blood of the Lamb for sinners slain, for the travails of this life are fleeting and thy salvation is forever.