Steady is the hand of God, always at the ready, least I fall to sin again.

Each day that man may walk the earth with God, His divine guidance and grace are in play.

Moreover, the God of creation, thru His Son and Holy Spirit has never left you nor will He ever leave you.

Perhaps, you didn’t know that those times you felt so alone, He was  constantly at your side.

Each trial or challenge you did meet or trial that you defeated, His presence helped you get by.

Remember man, that with God near,  you’ll never go without His loving help and care.

Fear, despair and self doubt are not your problem now for God is not far from you.

In God is Your safe anchor, He  has never nor will ever leave you to your own devices.

Deserving of nothing, but by  God’s omnipresent Love, I have it all.

Everything worthwhile having, You have supplied in abundance my Lord.

Love and eternal life are Your gifts  Lord, paid with Your sacred life.

In Your Heart, Holy Spirit, I safely remain as You guide me to our Father’s domain.

Saved by the Son of God, the trivialities of this finite world need not bother thee or me.

What does “Semper Fidelis” mean?

Latin for “Always Faithful,” Semper Fidelis is the motto of every Marine—an eternal and collective commitment to the success of our battles, the progress of our Nation, and the steadfast loyalty to the fellow Marines we fight alongside. Established in 1883, this motto distinguishes the bond developed and shared between Marines. It goes beyond words that are spoken, as it is a warriorhood that is lived. Taken from the USA Marines web site at