Restored to life, was the Son of God, after suffering at
the hands of the torturers and dying on the cross in payment for the sins of those like you and
Elohim’s Son, the Font of Life, had knowingly chosen to
come to earth to endure the whippings, jeers, torture and death in our place,
upon the tree of grievous iniquity.
Sin declared a holiday, for the Son of God died
apparently ignominiously, upon a cross on the cursed hill men called Calvery,
for sins, none of which were His, He chose to bear for us.
Unhapply His mother, head bowed with tears of rending
grief, stood alongside a gathering with one apostle beneath the tree, a symbol
of sins committed, depravity and death.
Ripped by scourges, spat upon, and crowned with thorns,
He hung high upon the cross, nailed thru wrists and feet, as evil ones jeered,
this One was to hand death defeat?
Realizing the enormity of what had just transpired, one
soldier’s voice was heard to clearly whisper in abject horror of God’s
anticipated reprisal; “Truly He was the Son of God!”
Elohiem’s Son hung on that tree, sinless and blameless,
blood flowing free, with His suffering, life and death He paid the price to
ransom the likes of me and Thee.
Cursed again, mankind could have been, but, Christ’s
love of man shone through; His voice was heard to exclaim; “Forgive them
Father, for thy know not what they do!”
Three days had passed, the women came to minister to the
body of the One, who as it happened, was no longer there, “Christ had risen”,
they heard the shining angel declare.
In resurrecting, our Lord took back His authority over
all things regarding life and the evil ones trembled at the sight of Jesus
Christ as thus He rescued man from sin and strife.
Omnipotent is God the Creator, as is His only begotten
Son; and so too the Holy Spirit, in resurrecting Jesus, for us a precious gift
was won, our salvation thru Jesus Christ, God’s Son.
Nurture us with salvation’s grace, oh God, we humbly
plea, for by Jesus‘s resurrection Thou has given us the power from evil to be
free….just … by asking Thee.