Responding With Praise

Redemption’s promise never meant a life of ease on
earth, for Christ our savior was by the horde actively hated first.

Each day we face with humble praise, despite dire
circumstance, yields a victory as God leads us to advance.   

Sing the praises of the One from whom all blessings flow
and thus the tenacious grip of evil eventually overthrow.

Praises raised to the rafters are the Songs of Hope we
share, especially when we’re stuck in diversity’s lair.

Our Lord suffered, died and was resurrected to save all
men from sin, all we have to do is rejoice and let Him in.

Nurture faith in adversity, yield praise to God on high,
for within Christ Jesus all true grace and freedom lie.  

Death waits for man to sin and as evil rears it’s ugly
head, you can defeat him as you glorify God instead.

In spite of all that man may do, without the Lord‘s
presence, no one can grant God’s loving grace to you.

Nothing lasts forever, except the love of God, when
things get tough respond in praise, thus life’s expectations raise.

God sent His Son to bear our sin, so heaven we may gain,
just by letting Jesus in.


We are but mortal men and  we lean towards strife and pain yet giving God
the glory due, will be our blessed gain.

In God’s will eternal life and blessings shall unfold,
so in spite of all the strife on earth, in your praise of God be bold.

The things of earthly life may exist in temporary
splendor, but to God, His due, all men must eventually surrender.      

His gifts are embodied in His Word, this everlasting
truth; that God so love the world, His forgiveness He unfurled.    


Perhaps we face some danger, live in shackles in a cell,
just rely on Jesus and all eventually shall be well.

Rejoice in adversity, for true peace is really near,
Jesus will supply all your needs and banish all your fear.

Accept in life temptations will abound and evil will
attack, but God’s love will protect you and beat the devil back.

In Christ, our Savior, is our refuge, give Him all
praise and glory, for His blessed love is our true salvation story.

Sing out in praise when woe seems all you face, God
ultimately has all in hand, so let Him set the pace.

Eternal life He granted us, His Son our blood price
paid, that man would live forever more, God’s love for er’ displayed.