Rejoice, oh ye sons of Adam, for the Son of God has paid
your bondage fee.

Each day you breathe, is another chance to follow Christ
and truly be free.

Jesus Christ, God’s Son, took on Himself the punishments
earned by you and me.

Omnipotent is the God of creation, follow Christ, and He
will safeguard thee.

Invite the Holy Spirit in your life and you need not
fear the shackles of the evil foe.

Claim the gift of life eternal, renounce your faults and
follow Christ the king.

Employ the workings of your day, as witness to the glory
that is God.


In every action of your life, let Jesus guide your

Now, in Christ, is the hour of your redemption, claim it
and be truly free.    


Take your life and lay it down before God, and in humble
thanksgiving rejoice at it.

Hear the whisper of The Holy Spirit, lay down your
earthly life and follow Jesus Christ.

Emmanuel, God’s Son has redeemed your life with His,
rejoice and be glad in it.


Love made man, took the blame for our misdeeds upon His
innocent shoulders.

Oh, ransom’s price cost 
Christ His life,  that mankind
could reap the gain of grace.

Rejoice, Adam’s sons, for Jesus has rescued thee from the
shackles of death.

Decry nothing of material  things, they are of no value compared to
God’s grace.