Oh God of Jacob and Abraham grant that my travail to others an open heart to your grace may avail.
Victory, oh God, is preceded by adversity, let my adversity aid others to come to You.
Employ my adversity like a crowbar and pry open closed hearts that they may be saved.
Recover Thy servant from adversity, oh Lord God of Hosts, that I may better serve Thee.
Complete in me the citadel of Thy glorious redemption.
Oh God of Creation, create in me a brighter monument to your glory and love.
Mold me, Lord Jesus, and as fire tempers a sword strengthen and
sharpen me to Your purpose.
Empower me, Of Lord God of eternal life, to accomplish Thy will.
Reveal, through my adversity, the path to Your heavenly home.
Savior mine, God Divine, in You I shall overcome all diversity.