Once it was given unto man the gift of grace and the privilege to walk beside and converse with the Living God Who created all that exists, both visible and invisible, that is physical and spiritual.
Now because of the duplicity of the Fallen One, and the carnally driven desires of the first man and woman, disobedience (that is sin) entered the world and man was sentenced to living one day at a time.
Each day’s work is done and man sleeps to regenerate his physical strength, itself a poor recurrent semblance of the Resurrection of Christ that restores spiritual strength to man through Grace.
Defended by the Word made man, Jesus, our sentence is commuted through three acts, acknowledgment of the sovereignty of God, Christ’s Divinity and the Power of the Holy Spirit, we become new beings.
As Adam and Eve disobeyed God they, by their actions, disowned the very One Who created them and doing this,@they turned the authority God gave them over all creation to the Fallen One; Satan.
Yeshua, that is Jesus, admonished the Sanhedren repeatedly about their self righteous attitude when dealing with their fellow man, for He came that the lost may repent their sins and be found in grace.
As each day begins, we arise to new chances to walk with He Who created all, for in spite of our many failings, He has given us the grace to prevail over the temptations of the great deceiver; Satan.
Take time out each day to look in the mirror of redemption, look upon your own faults and aggressively leave them behind, place your life in God’s hands so that your redemption is fueled by God’s grace.
Accept the fact that, since Adam’s fall now all mankind is stained with the mark of damnation and no man is worthy of salvation, save Jesus Christ and He gave us the chance to return to God.
The Son of God, our Messiah, Jesus, purchased for us the grace to resist the lure of evil, through His suffering, death and resurrection, Jesus gave us the gift of eternal life for the asking.
In the normal flow of life, only the Son of God, Jesus, is without sin, thus He is the perfect High Priest and the Perfect Judge, as such He is the only one who can offer us the grace of reconciliation with God.
M essiah, we await Thy return, forgive us our tendency towards those actions of superiority that we are prone to foster onto others, for even as they, we are flawed and have the same tendencies.
Each day help me to labor in Thy service Lord, not in vengeful actions of superiority but in gentle rebuke of sin itself, for only in Thee is the power of judgment.