Omnipotent and omnipresent , I am the God of creation and your actions have turned you away from Me.
By doing so, how could you expect to lead others to Me when
the road you have taken is not Mine?
Earthly things all exist temporarily, but I am That I am is
forever, pay attention.
The things of this earth that you chose before Me, are of
no lasting merit.
They cannot give you eternal life, nor can they forgive you
your transgressions.
Emmanuel came to lead you back out of the darkness, that
you may fulfill your great commission.
Redeemed by His love and compassion you are restored to
your place among nations.
Now, my Son was born of a chaste maiden, lived, taught, was
mocked and unjustly crucified for the salvation of mankind.
Emmanuel, in defiance of death itself, rose again that man
may gain forgiveness and live forever more.
Would I that all men realize that man will live forever
more because My Son paid for their transgressions.
Salvation belongs to he who would choose to follow in my
Son’s footsteps and show My light unto the world.