My errant child I call thee, to hasten, come to My side, let Me protect you, let me be your guide.
You have fallen from the heights of glory, to death’s dirt and sin, follow Me to Heaven’s Gate and I’ll let you in.

Goodness and mercy shall be yours to claim, make my path your journey, my love your aim.
Iam That I am, the God of creation, come to save sinful mankind of every nation.
Fruitless , your life may seem to you, but I your Redeemer will see you through.
Take what I offer, claim as your own, just follow my path wherever I roam.

Take this gift of My love, My precious redemption from God up above.
Omnipotent and omnipresent the Creator may be, His love proved not forsaken, He blessed you with me.

You fell and continue to fall, my child this is certain, yet falling need not define your final curtain.
One Life I gave to ransom mankind, thus in Me, eternal life and salvation you’ll find.
Unburden yourself, let Me carry your load, with Me you’ll find Heaven at the end of the road.