Master, Thou art the bread of life, instill Thy grace in
me that I may faithfully partake in Thee.
Ordinary man, such as I, can not face or prevail over
travail without Thee, help me, Lord I plea.
Lord, I was born moldy bread destined for the waste
basket, yet in me you created a grace filled vaccine giving me, love and
eternal life in Thee.
Deny in me that which to You is repugnant that I may
have eternal life in You, Lord Jesus.
You took bread and blessing it gave us the gift that had
prophesied the salvation You had gained for us.
Bread of life, You took the moldy bread that was me and
made a vaccine within to help mankind turn to Thee.
Redeemed by Your loving sacrifice , I now enjoy the
promise of eternal life in Thee.
Eternal life You granted me, when in faith I turned to
thee, Lord Your omnipotent love has set me free.
Almighty God you took the moldy bread that was me and
formed within it spiritual penicillin, placing me among the spiritually
Despite my lackluster faith Lord, Your love opened
heaven’s gates that I might in grace filled joy enter in.