Keep me under your protection Lord, for in all things of
true worth, I am but an ignorant, errant child.
Elohim, encourage me to be aware of the simple truth,
that as a child of the King of kings, I am safe under Your wings.
Elohim, my faith is simply stated , by Your Son
Jesus, I am freed from sin as Your love
Ponderous are the tomes of man, often complicated more
than needed, Lord this need not be when Thy Holy Word is heeded.
In every action is a simple question – I do or I do not,
faith is as simple as that.
Now, You have said with Your Word; a child can lead, and
Lord, I believe that this is so we may spiritually be freed.
God of creation, Heavenly Guide, my only stumbling block
is my adult pride.
For every thing that I must face, the truth is simple:
letting You guide me wins life’s most important race.
All things according to Your Word is finalized in this
one decree: Jesus, You said “come follow Me.”
In You, oh Lord is the simple truth: I will gain it all
if I follow Thee.
Teachers, professor’s educated all, seem to have
authority in what they do, but the only true authority is You.
Hear Lord, this heartfelt plea, simply touch my heart
and help me follow Thee.
Spirit of the Living God, comfort me when I’m in
despair, let me sit at the Heavenly Father’s chair.
In You Lord, as Your redeemed child, I do not need to
know what man’s sages have compiled.
Make that which man has complicated, simple, for by Your
Love I am freed from what sin has fated.
Prepare for me Thy precious Word, that as a child I may
understand what my heart has heard.
Love made man, Our Precious Savior, this child humbly
comes to ask of Thee, keep it simple for me.
Elohim, I come to Thee and as Your redeemed child I make
this heartfelt plea, help me keep my faith simple for my humble love of Thee.