Keep the things of this earth in proper perspective, they shall all, in time; end.

Eternal is the existence of the Lord God, His Word was,
is and shall forever be.

Expect perfection and permanence from the God who’s love
created all things.

Post no doubt in your mind of the one, true, omnipotent
and omnipresent God.

In God resides the root of all He created, for unlike
man, God’s life can never be dated.

Now is the time of man’s existence, yesterday’s gone,
tomorrow may not be.

God was and is forever, no limit has He, nor the
promises that He has given thee.


Honor and praise God who gave mankind life and when man
fell, that life retrieved.

Only God could stop the devastating fall that the sins
of man has justly earned.   

Post faith, hope and charity in your heart, they come
from God, do not from them depart.

Eternal and true are the guarantees that God gives you
through His loving grace.


Allow the Holy Spirit to keep your hope alive, His
counsel will prevent your sinful dive.

Love is that spirit of God’s charity and grace that
prompted man’s salvation.

In Christ’s love is the reason He accepted blame and
death for the sins of all mankind.

Victory was attained for man by Christ the King at His
glorious resurrection.

Each day, keep hope alive, let God’s grace guide you and
at heaven’s gate you will arrive.