Just a closer walk with Thee Is all I need oh Lord God,
Thou hast given me forgiveness despite my sinful life, give me grace to shine
Your light that others may leave behind sin’s strife.
Unshackle me from the tendency to judge and to condemn –
as if I had no sin, use me Lord as Your light to bring my fellow sinners in,
for without Thee I too would be shackled with sin.
Defend me from the tendency to act as if like Thee in
sin I’d never be, for no man should undergo judgment from such as me, for all
my sins were forgiven with love by Thy decree.
Glory belongs to Thee my Father, Your Son and Holy
Spirit, for Thou hast created me and sinless tho’ You are, You set aside Your
glory and saved the wretched sinner that is me.
Each day is a day of marvels Lord, the greatest of which
is this, Thou so loved this sinner, my punishment You set aside, by giving up
Your life for me, that I may become sin free.
My place is in Your vanguard Lord, tucked safely away
from sin, lest in ego’s blind judgment I refuse to let others in, for I not
being sinless know judgment is not mine even to begin.
Employ me Lord as Thy servant to tend my fellow man,
stay my ego’s tendency to judgement, for that is Yours alone, and make of me a
light to lead them to Your blessed home.
Negate in me the tendency towards displays of
superiority, judgmental do not let me be, for despite trying hard to be, I am
not sinless without the guidance provided by Thee.
The Judgment Seat is Thine Lord because of Thy sinless
purity, the same cannot be said of me for without Thy gift of salvation, I too,
like them would be bereft of Thee.
In You is the right of judgment of all that has come to
be, not being sinless or the Creator, the same cannot be said of me, so Lord
bless my errant neighbor, bring him home to Thee.
Saved from sin by Thy love and no true effort of mine, I
have no right to stand in judgment above others of my kind for like me,Thy fall
short of the righteous judgment that is Thine.
Tarry here awhile Lord, teach me how to pray that from
my hand and foolish pride condemnation fails to be, let Your light shine
through me and guide them home to Thee.
Hold me fast to Thy tenants Lord, from judgments set me
free, for only Thou art sinless, thus judgment belongs to Thee, give the grace
to others that You have given me, I plea.
Invest me with Thy revealing light Lord, so that Your
glory shines forth through me, so instead of me being judgmental, through Thy
grace others may come to Thee.
Now is the hour Lord my God, when however judgmental I
may be, that I most need of Thee, for judgment is the power of one without sin
and Lord I know I fall far short of being Thee.
Employ me in Thy service, let Thy loving salvation shine
through me, help me avoid condemning others with standards lofty to see, for
there but for Your loving grace goes me.
O Lord, I fall short of Your decree that sinlessness is
required to sit on the judgment seat, lend me Your aid to avoid judging others
for what in them I see, for I am just as guilty as can be.
H old me fast to Thy tenants Lord, as in keeping with Thy
decree; I love my neighbor as Thou hast loved me and let not my judgements keep
others from reaching out to Thee.
Let me not be a self appointed judge of men Lord, for
only one who is blameless -a judge be,
only You can decide the fate of another, wether he be damned or he be free.
Oh God of all creation, all judgements fall to Thee,
allow no-one to usurp Thy true position as the Lord of what should be, for all
creation and loving Salvation stems from Thee.
Remember Lord Thy servant, one who received forgiveness
because of Thee, help me to tender the same to all who come to me so they
receive that gift of love You gave to me.
Deny me not the grace of spiritual discernment Lord so
that I may see and correct the sinful weaknesses in me with Thy help and enter
Heaven’s halls with Thee.