Just because your life has entered a time of toil and
trouble, doesn’t mean we have to go it alone.

Each time you pray on bended knee, the Holy Spirit will
come and comfort thee.

Spirit of compassion, love’s blessed source, we can
always call on Thee.

Unburden yourself, let Christ carry your load and let
His love flow within thee.

Sing out in times of trouble, sing out in times of joy,
sing out, let His love within you bubble.


Loud are the angel’s hosannas when you sing out to Jesus
and make Him your everything.

Oh death, where is thy sting, for God brings life
eternal as He takes you under His wing.

Verily I say to thee, Christ’s life and loving presence
has set you free.

Eternal life He’s granted you when you followed Him and
turn away from sin.

Sing out in loud hosannas, let the world know you have
the victory in Jesus Christ the King.

Yesuha gave His life to save mankind, for His is the
greatest love man will ever find.

Omnipotent in His Power, omnipresent in His love, Jesus
is our salvation from heaven above.

Unburden yourself to Jesus, come follow Him and you’ll
find His love awaiting as He gathers you in.