I Do Believe In Jesus

I wasn’t there when Jesus walked through Galilee to rescue you and me.

Death, earned, had shackled man with the chains of sin.

Our Lord broke the chains from his grasp to set man free.

Blessed by His love, I gained a guide back into God’s arms.

Elohim’s Blameless Son was punished in mankind’s place.

Love was slandered, whipped and crucified for love of man.

In Christ’s torment, death and resurrection we were set free.

Eternal life was restored to man by Jesus’s sacrifice.

Victory was assured for man when Christ arose again.

Elohim’s Son did pay the price to set man free from sin.

I believe the Son of God did all these things for me.

Nothing permanently good comes without Jesus Christ.

Jesus suffered and died for me on that horrible tree.

Each breath I take proclaims; I believe in Jesus, my victim’

Saved by a love that has no equal, I now can live in grace.

Unchained from death’s shackles , I’m now free not to sin.

So, one and all I do proclaim; I believe in Jesus Christ the Son of God Elohim.