In Your love for mankind, You allowed our blood ransom
to be paid for with Your own Son’s life.


Almighty redeemer, make of me what Thy will for I do not
merit Thy salvation, never did, never will, but You gave it to me still.

My sins You have forgiven, my heart You have thoroughly
cleansed and my soul with Your loving grace You have pleasantly filled.


Tthere is no question to be asked in regards to my walk
with Thee, for Thy love is really quite evident in me.

Redemption is a divine gift procured for me at a
grievous price, without it I’d be floundering, left tp my own device.

Uncderstanding my short comings, Lord Jesus, You paid
the price of my redemption with Your own precious life.

Lord, when I fail, I cry out; Am I truly His?

Yeshua, You extended Your salvation to me before I chose
to even recognize Thee.


Holy Spirit grant me the serenity of the knowledge that
I am truly His.

In Christ’s grace I am spiritually empowered to resist
the lure of sin.

So in God’s grace I can answer the question with; Yes, I
am truly His!