How truly great thou art Lord, that in humble
circumstance You would join the race of man, so in grace man to heaven could

Unparalleled  in
power, yet in poverty You came, and from Your birth mankind would n’ear be the

Mary was the maiden fair that God chose to carry Thee,
and true to His plan she walked in humility.

In You oh Lord is salvation, in You the road from hell,
be Thou my constant guide and all shall eternally be well.

Lamb of God, how great Thou art, that you’d remember me
for every man is equally significant to Thee.

Injustice seems to rule this world and that may clearly
be, but the ultimate solution  is held
securely by Thee.

Take me Lord by the hand, fill me with Thy omnipotent
grace and guide me home to Your heavenly place.

Yeshua I call on Thee to guide my every pace, for I can
confidently say that in You I shall forever abide in blessed grace with Thee.