Holy Spirit dwell within me with Thy gracious love, that I may forever with Thee be.

Open my heart Lord, to Thy omnipotent will, that I with Your grace You will fill.

Wonderous God in me take hold, in Thy glorious service make me bold.

God, You created all that is to be, create Your loving living presence in me.

Redeeming Love You rescued me, when You hung from that awful tree.

Emmanuel Almighty, You came into my heart, ransomed this sinner and set me apart.

Almighty Omnipresent God Thou Who art worthy of all praise, grant me Your presence all of my days.

Take charge of my life, oh Lord God of power and might, that evil may flee from me in fright.

Thou Who has created all that can be, Lord, my praise is so little when I glorify Thee. 

Holy Spirit infill us all with Your grace and heavenly fire, make Your will all that we desire.

Oh God, of Your omnipotence we can not begin to conceive, not even from the hour we first came to believe.

Unique is the redemptive loving grace You afforded me in the hour I first called upon Thee.

A ll that the mind can possibly conceive, is but a microcosm of what You can achieve.

Refine me, oh Lord, mold me and temper my soul, that I may forever in Thy service be bold.    

Thou art the breath of life itself, from Whom all things come into existence, there is no other like Thee.