Hear us oh Lord and fill us with Thy grace.

Oh God we are so in need of your comforting presence.

Lead us in the path of righteousness for we are prone to stray.

Yours is the right to our existence, for You are our creator.

Sing we praises of the Living God of creation for it is His due.

Preserve and fill us with Thy grace for without You there is no future.

Immanuel, You are one and the same, our rescuer, our Spirit, our Preserver.

Reach out to your fallible adopted ones, that we may live in Thy eternal presence.

In your presence we are made whole and pleasing to You oh Lord Creator.

Take us as we are, for of ourselves, we are nothing without you.

Draw closer to us for we are in need of Your comforting presence.

Redeemed are we by faith in the Son of God who paid the price for our iniquities.

Adonai, we call upon Thee, for life without Thy presence is but a fleeting dream.

We are the children of redemption, fill us oh Lord with Thy saving grace.

Now is the time of redemption, take us as we are for we are dross without You.

Each day brings us closer to Thee oh God of creation, claim us.

All of our deeds belong to you, for You are the source of all that exists.

Redeemer we are indebted to you, Holy Spirit we need Your presence, Father claim us.