God of creation, You have always cared for Your creations.

Redeemer of lost souls, Your love has never left us alone.

Every breath we take is a gift from You given from birth, moment by moment.

Adonai, You are ever present in our lives, our hearts have need of You.

Take, oh Heavenly Father, Your rightful place in our hearts and souls.

Immortal Being, You are ever cognizant of the needs of Your people.

Son of the Living God, You are the light which clears our life’s path.

Take our humble salutations, for Thou art worthy of so much more.

Hear the cries of your children, for without You, we are lost.

You are our Comforter, our Creator and our Rescuer.

Father, You have always been here, for without You there is no breath of life.

All that exists, is dependent on Your thought and breath of life.

In You, oh Lord, is our creation, sustenance and ultimate salvation.

This is true, our existence is in You, You are the root of all life.

Hope of all mankind, Thou hast kept Thy covenant with Thy people.

Father, You are the example of what it is to be a faithful parent.

Unfailing source of all life, You are the strength that endureth forever.

Love is the bloodstream which flows from Your Heart to sustain us.

Nothing can compare to Thy compassion, for thou hast redeemed us.

Elohim, you are the foundation of the universe and all its inhabitants.

Savior, Your paid the price of our salvation with Your sacred life.

Sustain us oh Lord, for great is Thy faithfulness, weak is our strength.