Freedom From Sin’s Grasp

Focus my heart Lord Jesus on Thy blessed Word and lead
me away from sin’s wayward herd.

Refresh my soul with Thy grace  and take control of my life with Your reins
of grace.  

Evil I’ve found, has many tricks to bind the soul to
sin, fill my soul with Thy grace Lord and prevent the evil from getting in.

Elohim, good deeds tend to be ineffective when done for
ones personal acclaim, for if it is not Your will Lord, it’s usually just
temporary or lame.

Defend me with Your indefeatable grace Lord, for then I
will be protected from Satan’s evil horde.

Omnipotent Father, this day I call on Thee, fill me with
Thy healing grace so that in Thy service I shall be.

Mighty is the evil foe that would contend with me,
mightiest of all is You Lord God, the Only One Who can protect me.


Fortunately for me Lord, Your love for me was great
enough that You gave Your life that in salvation I could become free.

Resurrected, You brought back life to those dead in sin
and all we have to do is let Your omnipotent love flow in.

Our Father, Who art in heaven blessed be Thy Name, we
ask that You do not let us fall into the net of sinful shame.

Make of me Lord Jesus, what so ever you will and my
empty heart with your loving grace fill.


Spirit of the living God, infill me with Your divine
grace and my heart’s rhythm set in love at salvation’s pace.

Invest in me Thy
gift of forgiving grace, that like Thee Jesus, I forgive those who come as my

Nurture me, oh Lord Creator, with Your blessed grace and
enrich my life with the awesome vision of Your Face.

Secure in me Thy redemptive stays that I may be forgiven
and in the arena of my life in Your grace I shall be living.


God of all creation, on Thee I call, lift me up from the
depths of sin, guide me into heaven’s hall.

Renew Thy grace in me Lord that I may always abide in
Thee for only Your grace can truly set me free.

Advance in me Thy loving grace, that in Your heart I
find myself a secure place, never more to part.

Secure in me Thy blessed nature, that in You I gain an
eternal future.

Place round me Your loving arm that secure in You I can
never come to sinful harm.