Fill me, oh Lord God, with Thy perfect loving presence.
Refill my heart, mind and soul with Thy omnipotent will.
Employ, in my heart, the grace and omnipotent ability to love others as You love me.
Enable me to be a visible glowing extension of Your loving concern for mankind, according to Thy will.
Allow me the peace You granted to Your blessed followers, that I may share Your love with others.
Take me, oh God, and fill me with Your divine Holy Spirit, that I may gladly do Thy Will.
Let no space in my heart, body, mind and soul be open to the Evil One’s grasp, Lord.
All things are possible for me, oh God, when You are guiding and protecting me.
Savior of mankind, take control of my life and give me true freedom to act according to Thy will.
Take me, Lord God Almighty, and make me an instrument of Your peace and divine love.