For each time I allow despair to shackle me from within,
forgive me Lord I plea.
Oh God of all creation, I plea, forgive me all and from
the depths of despair set me free.
Redeemed by Your most loving Son, and yet I’ve often let
despair separate me from Thee.
God of, all things that exist, encourage me to depend on
Thee, for on no other can I rely, not one, not even me.
I slip, I fall, I cry, when life deals me with harsh
travail, even blaming Thee, forgive me Lord despite my despair and comfort me.
Victim of my own despair, I fail to call on You, the
only One I can rely upon to follow through.
Each time I pray for Your forgiveness Lord in the depths
of my despair, my redemption is assured as I’m lifted from Sin’s lair.
Make of me a vessel Lord, dependent upon Thee, from the
clutches of despair grant me the victory.
Elohim, Your mercy is never ending, tho I turned my back
on Thee, You have, however, never failed me.
Lord, forgive me in my despair and pull me from the jaws
of sin, take my heart and make Your home
Omnipresent seem my travails, where ever I turn there they
seem to be, because I fail to turn to Thee.
Remove from me the tendrils of despair, forgive me Lord
my waverings from Your loving care.
Demanding incessantly of my time and focus, travail
turns my face from Thee, for this forgive me Lord I plea.
I cry, I shout, I even put the blame on Thee, as I wallow
in my despair, forgive me Lord, for I’m far from being fair.
Now, no explanation is good enough to excuse my lack of
faith, forgive me Lord for acting like a spoiled rotten waif.
Make of me what You will, rescue me from evil’s lair as
You forgive me Lord in my despair.
You gave Your life that I may live, something I oft take
for granted, forgive me Lord the direction in which I let my life be slanted.
Despair can be a living thing, this one has made this
true, thus in my despair I tend to forget the victory I have in You.
Embrace me with Your gracious love, as You forgive me my
despair free me from Satan’s lair.
Sin slithers in silently and gains control with
despair’s emotional grip, forgive me Lord in my despair, I plea Thee give sin
the whip.
Protect this errant creation Lord, from within and
without, in me refuel Thy grace filled faith and erase all of my doubt.
All things are within Your power, forgive me Lord in my
despair, claim me this very hour.
In You, oh Lord, salvation is to be found, with this in
mind from despair‘s chains make me unbound.
Redeemer, King, Lord of all, I humbly ask that You
forgive me Lord in my desolate despair.