Faithfulness is what Thou desired of me Lord, for this I
have the example Thou has set for me.

In spite of my iniquity, You took onto Thyself my sins,
so I could enjoy eternal life with Thee.

Deliveror, Thy allegiance was proved upon the cross
whereon You died to grant me eternal life.

Each day of my existence Lord is graced by Thy precious
and profound love, which comforts me.

Love lifted me, love oh God from Thee, from no one else
can there be, a love such as Thee.

If anyone should ever ask, each day I see Thy eternal
fidelity, for Thy Love has lifted me. 

Tell everyone that I meet through my actions
and newfound life that Your love has lifted me.

Yes, in the grace of fidelity, Thy Light in my life will
always prove, Thy Love has lifted me.