Feed on God’s Word
Fortunate are those who take Thy Word to heart Lord, for
they will gain Your blessed grace and from You shall never part.
Each day that we commune with Thee, according to Thy
Word, resets our compass of morality and sets us free.
Each time we read Your precious Word and take it to our
heart, we gain the gift of grace never more to part.
Deliver us from evil Lord, and cleans us from all sin,
that past the gates of heaven You will gather us in.
Our time on earth is fleeting, our deeds temporary too,
but Your Word is eternal, as is my life in You.
Nazareth raised, Bethlehem born, oh Son of God in my
acceptance of Your divine forgiveness all sin is shorn.
God Thy Word is all revealing, the truth is in each
line, that man’s acceptance of Your grace shall forever make him Thine.
Our salvation is inevitable when we turn to Thy Word,
for when man turns to Thee the grace of faith in man’s heart is conferred.
Suspend the curse of Satan’s will, cleanse our souls of
sin, Lord we ask through heaven’s gate, please lead us in.
We are the children of Your promise, the ones Your Son
retrieved, receive our thankful praise and honor, for our sins You have
Our salvation is within Your Word and eternal life is
too, as we recognize the glory that emanates from You.
Receive our heart felt praises, and hold us in Your
heart, from the promises of Your Word do not let us part.
Deliver us from evil as You promised from the start, we
are sure of our salvation for Thy Word is sacrosanct.